Secure Your Seat Today! Enrollment guarantees your spot, with payment due only after the course begins.
To enroll multiple participants, use “Add another participant” in the Participant Information section. Avoid refreshing or reloading post-submission to prevent issues. For more enrollments, close the webpage and re-register.
Leading the Revolution: School & District
How TWR Discounts work
TWR offers a discount for schools and districts based on the number of educators that are
enrolled in the same section of a course.
10% for 2+ educators enrolled in the same section of a course
20% for 10+ educators enrolled in the same section of a course
25% for 25+ educators enrolled in the same section of a course
30% for 50+ educators enrolled in the same section of a course
35% & a Private Course for 75+ educators enrolled in the same section of a
In addition, the school principal and any district-level administrators may attend an
introductory course at no fee with the enrollment of at least one other paid educator per
free seat. Please note that the school principal and any district-level administrators must
be enrolled in the same course.
For information about large group pricing (75+ educators), contact our enrollment