We hope you are enjoying your summer! Below, you’ll find resources to help you plan for the upcoming academic year and celebrate the Summer Olympics.

New Webinar – Where to begin?

Watch this month’s webinar to learn about our updated Sample Pacing Guides, the Beginning of the Year Assessment, and how to effectively introduce and implement TWR in your classroom at the start of the school year.

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Beginning of the Year Assessment

TWR’s Beginning of the Year Assessment can provide a baseline to monitor student progress over the course of the school year.

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New Pacing Guides

Our new and updated Sample Pacing Guides can help you plan and structure the rollout of TWR strategies.

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TWR Posters

As you are setting up your classroom, don’t forget to hang up your TWR posters!

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2024 Summer Olympics TWR Activities

Celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympics by having your students complete a series of TWR activities. As always, customize to your students’ needs!

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Revolution 2.0 is here!

The Writing Revolution 2.0 is available today! Alongside the updated book, we are excited to introduce our new Book Resource Site.

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